Family Law
The trauma of a marriage break up is hard. It can be emotionally draining and especially painful if children are involved. At Aaron Legal we understand the pressures you’re under and will ensure you get through it with as much care, understanding and professional assistance as we can deliver.
It is considered good practice to have a will ready in case something unfortunate happens. Preparing your will could be your first step in making sure that your family’s needs will continue to be met even after your passing. Having a will can provide security to your family because it will allow you to distribute the assets or properties that you will leave behind in the way that you choose to distribute them.
Criminal Law
Are you accused of committing a criminal offence? Have you have received a penalty or infringement notice or a fine and would like to have the matter heard by the Local Court?
Contact our office and we will appear on your behalf.
What we do
The court system, can be confrontational.
People are upset, vulnerable, and often exhausted by the pressures upon them and the stresses they’ve endured. We work hard to make sure you are fully aware of all the choices in front of you. You will get through this moment of stress in your life, but you don’t want to spend a lifetime ‘paying’ for a bad decision.
With Aaron Legal you get care and personal attention. You get a high degree of expertise and understanding.
If you would like peace of mind and positive action call us now
Phone: 02 45 78 7344 , Mobile: 0438 000 752 or email us at
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy has been finely tuned by the experience, careers and jobs we’ve previously held. Our aim is to treat everyone with respect and understanding. We don’t judge, nor do we speak in jargon you won’t understand.
We are caring, compassionate people who have a deep understanding of the law and are here to help. Sometimes all it takes is listening!

Going through a divorce or separation is a difficult and stressful experience for the parties concerned. Getting an objective perspective to assist you with your options is our priority. Often parties will need assistance coming to terms with the end of their relationship and the transition period. In those cases, we usually suggest that our clients could benefit from the various courses Relationships Australia offer or learn about the legal side of Divorce. Read More

Property Settlements
Dividing up the property acquired through a relationship can be a difficult task. In order to make this process easier and without litigation the parties can agree to do a property settlement. A property settlement is simply a written agreement between the parties prepared by your legal adviser that can cover the financial settlement after separation, superannuation entitlements, financial support and other financial issues. Read More

Power of Attorney
Power of attorney is a legal authorization that you (called Principal) give to another individual to execute financial transactions or enter into financial agreements on your behalf when you are not able to do the same yourself. This inability could be due to something as simple as your being out of town when the need arises or a more complicated situation like your becoming mentally incapacitated at a later time. Read More